
LOOK MUM NO HANDS #1 | paintings at the crossroads

From Saturday, February 18th to Saturday, March 4th BeAdvisors Art Department presents “Look mum no hands, paintings at the crossroads” the first episode of the exhibition series “Look mum no hands” and the first show of the 2023 season at 9 French Place.

The participating artists are:
Iga Bielawska, Danying Chen, Emily, Mannion Megan Menzies, Norberto Spina, Frida Wannerberger, Ji Won Cha, Salomé Wu, and Tiange Yu.

“Look mum no hands” is an exhibition series conceived by BeAdvisors, exploring in three episodes over the year 2023 the different visual languages of the London art scene. In a continuously changing panorama, the series goes deeper into the diverse approaches to art production, from painting to sculpture, from video to performance, showcasing emerging artists based in London.

The first episode, “paintings at the crossroads ” is a group show of artists who use painting as a predominant medium. The term crossroads recalls the various paths and ramifications painting is taking in contemporary visual language. BeAdvisors Art Department wants to compare them, proposing a varied panorama of pictorial outcomes, showing that between figuration and abstraction, there’s an endless scenario of possibilities.


> Download list of work

open by appointment

18.02.23 - 04.03.23