
BeAdvisors AD launches “Preview”

During miart week 2018 in Milan, Beadvisors Art Department, in collaboration with GoLab, launched Preview, an exhibition format in which Italian and international galleries are invited to dialogue in an unconventional space and to propose exclusively the works of newly represented artists of their portfolios.

The curatorial idea of the format is to show in ‘preview’ the works of artists who are now approaching the contemporary art market and on which the galleries have a project of growth and development in the future, providing a lateral vision and a stimulating environment to discover and appreciate contemporary art.
5zThe format is based on an invitation-only opening night that becomes the first moment in which the artists and their works are unveiled to the public: until then, only the names of the participating galleries are communicated; in fact, the names of the artists will remain strictly undisclosed until the opening night.
At BeAdvisors we strongly believe that the art market needs more quality and engaging art advisory, experiences besides mere objects. BeAdvisors is keen in smoothing the difficult dynamics of the contemporary art market, raising awareness about the relevance of quality art advisory services and of the research of new audiences to feed the market with, providing them with innovative, collaborative and alternative models.
BeAdvisors believes in promoting and intercepting the most changing dynamics of the art world, working on projects and initiatives that create virtuous dynamics to solve the current issues in the market. The aim is to benefit the whole system: galleries, artists, collectors.

A guest with Paola Capata, director of Monitor, beside a work by Peter Linde Busk

There is a need for a more-quality art advisory with the role of protecting collectors from aggressive sales strategies.
BeAdvisors offers a combination of professional education and investment support, which provides customized services of Art Advisory aimed to educate, inspire and support potential collectors. Without replacing personal culture and formation, a more quality art advisory is needed, being closer to the needs as well as financial and aesthetic expectations. A step-by-step approach to learning and collecting.
BeAdvisors is keen not only in providing legal and financial assistance during art-purchasing processes but also in improving the understanding of the art market.
Trough the format Preview, BeADvisors is creating the context to facilitate the dynamics that educate potential collectors, it is crucial to aim to an educated and conscious form of art collecting.  A gradual path to make young potential collectors to develop a true passion for contemporary art.
Collectors want to consume experiences besides objects. BeAdvisors strongly believes in this approach and besides organizing gallery tours, art fairs guided visits, exhibition openings tours, studio visits, through Preview is offering insights on the most potentially growing artists and most promising galleries.

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Installation view with works by Tobias Kaspar and Peter Linde Busk

Born from the long-term collaboration between Mauro Mattei – founder of BeAdvisors Art Department – and Giorgio Bartoli – founder of the communication agency GoLab -, Preview takes place within the spaces where their offices are located in the heart of Milan, in Brera. The venue is a historical hidden jewel of the city: a 16th-century villa located in Brera, in the heart of Milan, which originally belonged to the aristocratic Milanese Kramer family. Nowadays, the spaces are employed as offices by GoLab and BeAdvisors, who have been closely collaborating for years on projects related to the world of contemporary art and communication. The idea of making the spaces available as a territory of exploration for new art formats and experiments has been a vital element of their personal collaboration for many years.

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Preview wants to be the tool through which the invited galleries have the opportunity to collaborate, share perspectives and visions on their artists’ path and develop new forms of exchange on an international scale in the interest of their upcoming artists.

Preview aims at giving a lateral view of the contemporary art world, offering an alternative narrative to the consolidated gallery-exhibition dynamics, both in terms of time and space.
The first two participating galleries are international players within the contemporary art world: Galerie Peter Kilchmann (Zurich), which presented the Swiss artist Tobias Kaspar, and Monitor (Rome and Lisbon), with artworks by the Danish artist Peter Linde Busk.


In his practice, Peter Linde Busk (Copenhagen, 1973) considers the historical context of Denmark and Germany, the countries where he was raised and currently works in. The influences of CoBrA and German Expressionism are tangible in his paintings and sculptures, especially in those presented at Preview, where prominent gestures and broad brush strokes are palpable. Two white ceramic sculptures, a large woodcut print, and a rare acrylic on copper have been showcased in the space, resonating with the canvases of Tobias Kaspar.
Tobias Kaspar’s (Basel, 1984) pieces reflect on the relationship between art and fashion. The use of materials is key in the use of prestigious fabric replacing the linen of canvas, whilst the subjects are romantic, repeated models. His works are the demonstration of the fleeting borders between art and fashion.
For the first launch of the format, BeAdvisors and GoLab organized a private cocktail dedicated to collectors on 11th April 2018.

On 14th April 2018, on the occasion of its official Launch Party, Preview hosted two special guests: Eddy Frankel, who presented the first issue of OOF – the first magazine of Art & Football  and London based artist Haroon Mirza (Lisson Gallery) performed with a Live Vinyl Set during the course of the evening.

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Haroon Mirza’s Live Vinyl Set


Peter Kilchmann and Adrian Paci with a work of Peter Linde Busk, Homeward Bound, 2014, acrylic on copper



Galerie Peter Kilchmann – Zurich
Founded in 1992 by Peter Kilchmann, the gallery represents both established and emerging artists with an international perspective: a crucial hub for ideas and a lively interface between production and art reception.
Zahnradstrasse 21 CH-8005 Zurich

Monitor – Rome and Lisbon
Founded in Rome in 2003 by Paola Capata, the gallery strives for not only promoting artists, but also discovering new ones. After the duo show of Nico Vascellari and Ian Tweedy, the gallery has been exhibiting artists such as Rä di Martino, Graham Hudson, Guido van der Werve, Tomaso De Luca, Jesse Ash, and Alexandre Singh.
From May 2017, Monitor opened a second branch in the bustling city of Lisbon, Portugal.
Palazzo Sforza Cesarini
via Sforza Cesarini 43, Rome
Rua D. João V, 17 A, 1250-089
Campo de Ourique, Lisbon


